Better Communication Tips from Somerset Woods Nursing Facility

Communication isn’t always easy.

Proper communication is made even harder, though, when you’re trying to communicate with someone who is suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s.

The team at Somerset Woods nursing facility wants to help friends and family members of seniors with dementia by providing them with some easy to implement communication tips.

Better Communication with Dementia: 3 Tips from Somerset Woods Nursing

Here are just a few tips from Somerset Woods nursing facility that can help you communicate more effectively with your loved one with dementia.

1. Remember What You’re Up Against

A top tip from Somerset Woods – a nursing home near Bayshore Hospital – is to remember what you’re dealing with. Keeping in mind that communication with someone who has dementia isn’t always going to be easy will help you stay patient with yourself, as well as your loved one.

2. Do Your Best to Reduce Distractions

Distractions can make it difficult for your loved one to understand and retain what you’re trying to tell them.

Do your best to talk with them in a quiet environment with few visual distractions. Keep the conversation simple, too, by talking about one thing at a time.

3. Utilize Non-Verbal Communication

Facial expressions, gestures, and body language can go a long way in helping someone understand and remember what you’ve said.

Choose a Care Facility That Has the Patience Needed to Communicate Well

To communicate effectively with someone with dementia, patience and understanding are a must. The team at Somerset Woods nursing facility – the best skilled nursing facility near Bayshore Hospital – takes caring for their residents very seriously.

They will do everything they can to ensure those in their care feel happy, safe, and understood, including practicing the best communication practices.

You want the very best for your senior loved ones. We do, too. Let us show you how we will care for your family member(s) so they can live a full, happy life. Call us today!