3 Ways to Lower Your Risk for Memory Loss

While many of us worry about developing physical conditions as we get older, age-related memory loss is often at the top of the list of concerns. A new study has found some steps we can take both early on and into the senior years to keep our minds sharp and ward off mild cognitive impairment, also known as age-related memory loss.

The study, which was published in the journal Neurology, followed 2000 people with an average age of 78 for five years. At the beginning of the study, none of the participants had signs of mild cognitive impairment. By the end, scientists identified 532 that had symptoms of the condition. Researchers pinpointed three categories of activities that lowered participants’ risk for memory loss. Somerset Woods Rehabilitation Center has the study results to help our clients and families enjoy the highest level of cognitive health throughout life.

Use Your Computer

Computer use in the middle years of life offered a 48 percent lower risk of mild cognitive impairment in test subjects. Whether you use your computer to work, play games or interact with others online, the activity can contribute to a sharper mind throughout life.

Get Social

Socializing with others, whether to go to movies or stay home and play games, was another factor that lowered a person’s risk for mild cognitive impairment. Those with active social lives in the middle to later years of life saw a 20 percent reduction in reduced memory function.

Take Up a New Hobby

Hobbies like crafting, particularly in the later years, also had a positive effect on cognitive function. Researchers found that the more activities a person did, the greater the benefits. Two activities reduced risk by 28 percent, while four activities lowered risk for cognitive impairment by as much as 56 percent.

Somerset Woods Rehabilitation Center offers some of the best rehabilitation in Somerset Woods. For more information, contact our office today.